Monday, January 28, 2008

from 52 to 12 . . . time flies

It seems as though my life quickly turned from a game of waiting for clearance and invitation and updates to a quick race of goodbyes; at least a farewell for now. With the big departure looming, I find more questions asked concerning my state-of-mind. Am I nervous, scared, crazy, excited, etc?In one swoop I hope to answer all these questions: I haven't realized that I'm leaving. In all actuality, I don't feel that my departure signifies leaving home because Africa is the cradle of life. It is where all humans originate, and it is that sentiment that eases my mind. I'm going home, in a different sense of the word. Many people worry that I will lose certain parts of my identity while abroad. I believe that Americans are the few who value identity "wholeness." I liken the idea of wholeness to the nuclear family. Both are misguided products of the 1950s. Throughout the last few years I developed certain aspects of my identity to a level of comfort I never imagined. As I venture to places unknown, I hope to develop different identity characteristics. This experience affords me the grand opportunity to explore different aspects of my personality and truly reflect in hopes of growth. It is an exciting time. Onto less meaningful matters . . . . I reached the 80 lbs limit (2 bags) thanks to my grand supply of batteries. I refuse to bring a sleeping bag. I figure I'll buy one if I desperately need one. I'm shaving my head 2 days prior to departure. It should do me well in February Philly weather, yeah? Lastly, through the wonders of, I now know about 20 fellow PCV (Peace Corps Volunteers). The whole lot seems to be really progressive, open, and generally a comfortable group. Like I said, it is an exciting time. Only a few days until I reach single digits in my countdown. 

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